Abstract: CHARM - In this sense it is a data hosting schema and it helps to reduce the cost of hosting data and also helps to detect the bandwidth and speed. Now a day more and more companies, organizations and enterprises are hosting their data into the cloud to reduce maintenance, cost and data reliability. Many cloud storage companies are providing cloud spaces to store the data, but vendors are getting problems with which cloud space is better to store the data and also getting problem with costs. Customers usually store their data into single cloud but some clouds are high price and low bandwidth in this situation customer may face problems with uploading their data. Sometimes customer may struck with lock in risk, In this sense the customer suffer from price adjustments of cloud venders because price is not fixed according to market. According to their need they bind up with one company and company polices. This proposed CHARM system helps to analysis the cost and bandwidth of different clouds, In this system customers possible to analysis the speed and cost of different clouds before they putting data. This system integrates two key functions. First is selecting a severable suitable clouds and appropriate redundancy to store the data with low cost and guaranteed availability. Second is putting a transmission process to re-distribute the data according to variations of data axis and pricing. Performance of the CHARM can be analyse using trace-driven simulation and prototype experiments.

Keywords: Cloud computing, Multi-cloud, Data hosting, Bandwidth analyser.